
We're hoping that The Eternal Current will help launch you into the next season of your practice-based faith. The invitation is participation. Here are five different categories of resources, next steps, and liturgies to support your journey.

(More are being added on an ongoing basis.)

Spiritual Disciples are simple actions we can take to swim with the Eternal Current. We don't make the river flow, but can choose to get into the water. A few practical ways to move deeper into the practices mentioned in the book... 


Over the last ten years, I've made a million mistakes while attempting to bring historic practices and formative liturgies into the modern church. Here are a few lessons...

There are so many mentors, experts, and fellow journeyers to learn from. Here are a few of the books and resources that have shaped my understanding of a practice-based faith.


We have attempted to flesh out a practice-based faith into a number of contexts, communities, and church gatherings. Here are a few video examples throughout the years...

At this point, we have recorded one liturgy based on a prayer from the book. (More coming soon). But we also have created six "new liturgy" projects to help you create holy space wherever you find yourself.